Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Living Together Before Marriage - 1475 Words

Persuasion Speech Outline 1. Introduction: Attention getter- Your daughter of 26 is fast approaching the average age for marriage in the United States. One day she tells you that she and her boyfriend are thinking about living together, and she wants to know if you think this is a good idea. What do you say? What is the informed response? Background- About a quarter of women move in with a romantic partner before the age of 20, and more women than ever live with a partner before they get married, according to a new report by the National Center for Health Statistics on Nearly half of women (48 percent) between the ages of 15 and 44 lived with a partner before getting married between the years of 2006 and 2010, an 11†¦show more content†¦In other words, you may initially be â€Å"giddy† with excitement at the thought of living together, spending all of your time together and getting to know one another’s preferences, habits, pet peeves, likes and/or dislikes, etc., but over time you may start to feel smothered, neglected, irritated, etc. Moreover, you may tell yourself that cohabitating will give you a glance of what to expect when you are officially married, but in reality, for some, it may lead to heartbreak and a broken engagement. Once the initial â€Å"honeymoon period† is over you ma y start to notice things about one another that you never noticed before (because you did not live together). For instance, you may not like the way your partner leaves his/her dirty clothes around the house or your partner may not like the way you always have to have everything your way. Although these may seem like small differences, over time they may add up and cause distress in relationship. Incompatibilities: In some cases, cohabitating can bring out incompatibilities. In other words, things that you once thought were â€Å"cute† when you were â€Å"just dating† and living separately, may all of a sudden become irritating, frustrating and/or annoying. For instance, while you are dating you may find your partner’s dry humor endearing, but once you have been living with that dry humor for months or years, you may not find it charming anymore, in fact, you may find it downright maddening. In addition,Show MoreRelatedLiving Together Before Marriage1011 Words   |  5 PagesLiving Together Before Marriage As the rate of divorce soars and as increasing numbers of marriages disintegrate, living together has become the popular alternative to many people in north America. Expersts estimate that roughly 2.2 million people are currently sharing bed and board in a live-in arrangement, this is approximately 1% of the total population.(Family. Comptoms Encyclopedia. 1992 ed.) Living together, more formally known as non marital cohabitation, is an emerging lifestyleRead MoreLiving Together Before Marriage997 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿SPEECH #2: Deciding Whether or not to Live Together before Marriage Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about making decisions on whether or not to live together before marriage. Thesis: Deciding whether or not to live together before marriage is an important decision to make that has both negative and positive consequences depending on which side you choose. I. Introduction: A. Marriage is like fine win, if tended to properly, it gets better with age. According to Neil Shah, â€Å"In theRead MoreLiving Together Before Marriage901 Words   |  4 PagesLiving together before making our vows would have reassured us about a lifelong commitment. From my own experience, I believe that couples should live together before getting married, so they can start to know each other on a closer, more personal level; moreover, they can start thinking about the compatibility of their future spouse. Couples start knowing each other on a closer, more personal level when they live together, which prepares them for a married lifestyle. For startersRead MoreLiving Together Before Marriage And Marriage2618 Words   |  11 PagesLiving Together Before Marriage Should we consider moving in before getting married? In the New York Times Magazine, the article The Downside of Cohabiting before Marriage states that â€Å"In 1960, about 450,000 unmarried couples lived together. Now the number is more than 7.5 million. The majority of young adults in their 20s will live with a romantic partner at least once, and more than half of all marriages will be preceded by cohabitation†. (1) Considering moving in with your partner before marriageRead MoreEssay on Living Together Before Marriage961 Words   |  4 Pages Living Together Before Marriage As the rate of divorce soars and as increasing numbers of marriages disintegrate, living together has become the popular alternative to many people in north America. Expersts estimate that roughly 2.2 million people are currently sharing bed and board in a live-in arrangement, this is approximately 1% of the total population.(Family. Comptoms Encyclopedia. 1992 ed.) Living together, more formally known as non marital cohabitation, is an emerging lifestyleRead MoreEssay on Living Together Before Marriage629 Words   |  3 PagesLiving together is certainly a learning experience. I am the example of a combined household, prior to a legal union. A couple who chooses to live together without getting married can have an advantage going into a future marriage. I met my husband while on a previous job. I lived in Fort Oglethorpe, and he lived in Red Bank. After a long day at work, the challenge of spending time together became difficult because we each had a residence to maintain. We soon realized that living together,Read MoreEssay on Problems With Living Together Before Marriage1129 Words   |  5 Pagesdivorce papers and cannot hide the sadness and confusion she feels. Two years ago everyone told her living with her boyfriend was a great idea. They said she would be able to get to know him better and see if marriage would work. She trusted her friends and thought that since everyone else was doing it that it must be the wisest choice. What went wrong? Why was she unhappy with her marriage even after getting to know her husband through cohabitation? Would things have been different if sheRead Moreterm paper about living together before marriage1464 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿LIVING TOGETHER BEFORE MARRIAGE The human being and their society are always constant motion. In modern life, there are new tendencies which a lot of different than traditional countries appear. One of aspects changed quickly all over the world is love, marriage and family. A flower cannot without sunshine and man cannot live without love. (Max Muller) Love is a sacred and wonderful sentiment. In generation past, marriage and living together forever are a last destination of loveRead MoreNot So Happily Ever After968 Words   |  4 Pagesof living together either early in a dating relationship, a more serious commitment with one another before the ring happens, or if couples may not believe in the institution of marriage to make the commitment real. All these arguments have been seen in the way that society has progressed into this way of thinking. However, living together before marriage does not appear to be the way to have a safe and stable relationship that builds into a marriage or a lasting relationship. Living together beforeRead MoreCohabitation Is Defined As A Man And Woman Living1713 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract Cohabitation is defined as a man and woman living in the same household and having sexual relations while not being married. There is relatively little data on health outcomes for people who have cohabitated, although there is some evidence that cohabitating couples have lower incomes (15% of cohabitating men are jobless while 8% of married men are jobless) and there may be negative academic effects for children of cohabitating mothers (Jay, 2012). Cohabitation rates are highest among those

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